Small Children's Catechism
By Chris Schlect
1. Who made you? A. God --------------- 2. What else did God make?A. God made all things. --------------- 3. Why did God make all things?A. For His own glory --------------- 4. Why do things work as they do?A. God has so decreed it. --------------- 5. How do we learn about God?A. God reveals Himself. --------------- 6. Where does God reveal Himself?A. In His word and in nature --------------- 7. What does God reveal in nature?A. His character, law, and wrath --------------- 8. What more is revealed in His Word?A. God's mercy toward His people --------------- 9. Where is God's Word today?A. The Bible is God's Word. --------------- 10. How many Gods are there?A. There is one true God. --------------- 11. How many persons are in the Godhead?A. three --------------- 12. Who are these persons?A. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit --------------- 13. Where is God?A. He is everywhere. --------------- 14. How long has God existed?A. He has always been. --------------- 15. How is man unique?A. He bears God's image. --------------- 16. Who was the first man?A. Adam --------------- 17. What was Adam like at creation?A. He was good. --------------- 18. Did Adam remain good?A. No, he sinned. --------------- 19. What is sin?A. disobedience to God's law --------------- 20. What is the penalty for sin?A. death --------------- 21. What came of Adam's sin?A. Death came to all men. --------------- 22. Why did Adam's sin affect all men?A. we all sinned in Adam --------------- 23. Must all men die for sin?A. No, God elected some to life. --------------- 24. How may we be saved from sin and death?A. only through Jesus Christ --------------- 25. Who is Jesus Christ?A. He is God's Son. | 26. Did Jesus ever sin? A. No, only He is righteous. --------------- 27. What did Jesus do for His people?A. He conquered death. --------------- 28. How did He do this?A. He died, then rose again. --------------- 29. What else did Christ conquer?A. all his enemies --------------- 30. Are His enemies powerful?A. They have come to nothing. --------------- 31. What did He give to His people?A. His own righteousness --------------- 32. What did He take from His people?A. their sin --------------- 33. How is Christ's work brought to His people?A. by the Holy Spirit --------------- 34. What does the Holy Spirit do?A. He gives faith. --------------- 35. What is faith?A. resting on Christ for salvation --------------- 36. How do we recognize true faith?A. it yields good works --------------- 37. Who are Christ's people?A. they make up His church --------------- 38. What are the traits of His church?A. the Word, discipline, and sacraments --------------- 39. How is the Word a trait of His church?A. All God's Word is preached. --------------- 40. How is discipline a trait of His church?A. God's people are protected. --------------- 41. What are sacraments?A. signs and seals of God's covenant --------------- 42. What sacraments are there?A. baptism and the Lord's supper --------------- 43. Who is Head of the Church?A. Jesus Christ --------------- 44. What offices has Christ appointed?A. overseers and deacons --------------- 45. Is His Church perfect?A. It is being perfected. --------------- 46. When will it be perfect?A. at the resurrection --------------- 47. What happens at the resurrection?A. Christ judges all men's deeds. --------------- 48. What of those He deems righteous?A. They dwell with Him forever. --------------- 49. What of those He condemns?A. They perish forever. --------------- 50. How does this judgment affect Christ?A. It magnifies His glory. |