The Most Delightful Doctrine

The doctrine of God's sovereignty plays a large role in what drives my zeal for evangelism. He alone is in control of a persons heart. Nothing I can say in and of itself can convince a person to repent and trust the Savior. It is the work of God through the preaching of His gospel. If a person walks away having rejected the message he heard from me, I can rest in knowing that God can change his heart long after our encounter. Perhaps through the faithful witness of another. 
By Robert Tewart

I am sure there is no more delightful doctrine to a Christian, than that of CHRIST'S ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGNTY!I am glad there is no such thing as 'chance',that nothing is left to itself,but that Christ everywhere has sway.If I thought that there was a devil in hell that Christ did notgovern, I should be afraid that devil would destroy me.If I thought there was a circumstance on earth, which Christ didnot over-rule, I should fear that circumstance would ruin me.Nay, if there were an angel in heaven that was not oneof Jehovah's subjects, I should tremble even at him.But since Christ is King of kings, and I am his poor brother,one whom he loves, I give all my cares to him, for he caresfor me; and leaning on his breast, my soul has full repose,confidence, and security.

--Charles Spurgeon